Sunday, April 12, 2009

Being responsible

In friendship what we need most is trust. It is a very tough job to gain trust from others. But once when people start to put their trust in us, please appreciate it.

I am 35 y/o. I have gone through the path that all of you are currently passing by. So i ve already experienced something . I dont like to cheat. And i also dont like to be cheated.

And i can tell u that i can easily detect when people tell lies to me. You can lie to me but your body language, your surrounding, your friends cant.

You can cheat people sometime but you cant cheat people all the time.
You can lie to me, but please be a good 'liar". make sure i wont detect your lies.

again experiences help me alot.

For me trust comes with responsibility. As an adult, we must always try our best to be responsible to ourselves and to other people. We can't run away from accepting responsibilities.

being responsible is a sign of our maturity.

and i want to tell you that you are really in a great loss when i lost my trust in you.


  1. org yg matang ialah org yg brani mngaku kesalahannya..

  2. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.

  3. sedap pulak quote acap. takde pulak word 'fuck' yang selalu dak2 laki sebut2 uh. :p

  4. its x my quotation. i just quote wht Abraham Lincoln said.

    there is no single definition of fuck
